Remove FMG Copyright on Emails
Sean Joyce
Regarding the use of FMG content... I used an email for Independence Day on July 3rd, which I found to be very well written. The issue is that where my signature would have gone is the term "Copyright FMG Suite".
This makes these emails so glaringly automated and impersonal to the extent that I will not use them again until this is corrected.
Brandon Brown
Agreed! This used to be a standard addition to the emails, but we felt the same way as you, Sean. A year or two ago, we spun up a project to remove those copyrights from all emails like this. You happened to stumble upon one that we missed. Thanks for the catch.
Dave Christensen, CPO & Cofounder
Sean Joyce thanks for posting this. That was certainly not our intention and to be honest, we don't care that much about our copyright. Let me dig in and see if we can get this fixed ASAP.
Sean Joyce
Dave Christensen, CPO & Cofounder: Thanks! I apprecite FMG's responsivenes and ability to evolve.